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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  July 4, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ >> good sunday morning, everybody. happy independence day, this 4th of july. i'm jason chaffetz, in for maria bartiromo. straight ahead on sunday morning futures, republican lawmakers turning up the heat in the investigation into the origins of the coronavirus as china's president issues a stern warning to the west. coming up, kansas republican senator roger marshall on what we know about the origins of covid-19 and if china will be held accountable. then, the supreme court
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upholding arizona's voter fraud protections that he restrict ballot harvesting and submission of provisional ballots outside a voter's home precinct. we'll speak with arizona attorney general about that decision and the humanitarian crisis that continues to unfold on the southern border. plus, president biden says he won't tolerate a nuclear iran, this as his administration works towards returning to the 2015 nuclear deal. coming up, former cia station chief and fox news contributor dan hoffman on what this means for stability and prosperity in the middle east. also, china's thirst for global power was on full display during the 100 year celebration for the communist party. how can the united states counter china's continuing influence around the world, gordon chang is here with his analysis, all that and more as we look ahead on sunday morning futures.
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♪ >> but first, lawmakers demanding an investigation into what was potentially the world's first coronavirus super spreader event, the washington post reports more than 9,000 at leads attended the military world games in wuhan, china in october 2019 including 280 from the united states. many of them complained about covid-like symptoms two months before china even acknowledged the virus' existence. it comes amid concerns that coronavirus leaked from a research lab there. here's what texas congressman michael burgess told maria bartiromo last week. maria: will there be any accountability for the ccp allowing this deadly disease to escape its borders and covering it up. >> my opinion is there simply has to be and whether that's done on the trade front, whether
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that's done on some type of remuneration that has to occur. with this illness, different from sars 1 20 years ago, there there was a jump from a bat to a cat to people. this one, there was no intermediary which really, really does point to the fact lab manufacturer, lab release, accidental, on purpose, that will have to be determined. >> kansas republican senator roger marshall wrote to secretary about whether the department of health and human services was aware of american athletes falling ill after returning from the games in wuhan. thank you for joining us. really do appreciate it? what do we want to know? michael burgess that we heard is a doctor. but candidly, china has not really been forthright in what's going on. >> you're right, jason. and i know if you go back to
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your days at chairman of the oversight committee, you can smell a coverup and this smells like a coverup. every day, the timeline gets backed up. realizing that the middle of january the chinese, the world health organization were saying there was no person to person transmission. now, we know people in the united states had positive antibodies in december of 2019. we know that the wuhan was starting to cover up this particular incident as well in october 2019, thousands of soldiers from hundreds of countries gathered in wuhan, china for a military olympics. several weeks later, many of them developed symptoms. additionally, they described wuhan, a city of 11 million people as a ghost town. since at least october, the people of china were covering this up. and what i want to know as a senator is why didn't the cdc check into this? why didn't the hhs check into this? why wasn't intelligence working on this?
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were they part of the coverup? do they have some guilt in the situation as well? so i'm just stunned to find out this new information every week. >> now, the biden administration is warning that we may never quite know with certainity what's happening. but what are they doing, if anything, that you can see from your perspective as a united states senator, to actually push the chinese regime to actually being more candid and a forthright with our investigators? >> well, certainly not enough. they do have an investigation underway but i'm not expecting them to find anything that we don't already know. jason, what this reminds me of is, you arrest the godfather and all the witnesses start dying. and in this case, the witnesses are the genomic banks that we have sitting of out there. in january of 2020 -- february of 2020, the nih erased 500 genetic sequences from the bat lady that she was storeing in the nih laboratory bank. going back to ton, in september,
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-- 2019, in september, the bat lady erased a bunch of viruses from the laboratory bank we had access to. the witnesses are all dying. there may be something on the cloud server we can dig up. we're finding bits and pieces everywhere. we have to start holding china accountable. we can sanction them. we can seize their assets wham they need is public shaming, that we have to shame them, not just the united states but we need other countries to shame them as well. we need to bring manufacturing back to the united states, do all those things to publicly battle them. >> what sort of confidence level do you have in the world health organization? china made a big deal, trying to get into the world health organization. now that they're there, there's a lot of people that are concerned about the conflicts of interest that they have. >> unfortunately, the world health organization has a very reputation, -- very bad reputation, that they've been bought and paid for by china. the leader is a hand picked person from china.
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china is not dumb. they went into -- tedros is his name, they went into his country, they loaned him money like a loan shark would loan money and they got him the position as head of the world health organization. they certainly have failed. and this is why we need, whether it's the quad or g-7 or the g-20 but we need multiple nations looking into this and holding china accountable and starting the shaming in some way. they should be ashamed that they invented the bioterrorism weapon. they should be ashamed they leaked it from the lab. they should be ashamed that they covered it up. they should be ashamed they can't even make the vaccine right now. so this public shaming has to come to fruition. >> so the concern is that the biden administration is giving this some lip service but not actually doing anything. listen to what the former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, had to say about this when he spoke with maria bartiromo recently. maria: what should be the accountability that you would like to see as a result of the
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ccp allowing this deadly virus to escape its borders and covidg now six months into his term? >> yeah, as you know, maria, after the election i wrote an op-ed calling china our number one national security threat and talked about as the person who has seen more intelligence than anyone in the country for the past we're, how clear it is that they're not just an adversary but someone that wants to supplant us as the world's super power. as we shared the information with the incoming biden folk, our hope is they wouldn't have just tough rhetoric, that they would have tough action. clearly, that has not been the case. >> your reaction, senator? >> your listeners need to realize that china wants to own the world. that is their goal right now. as you pointed out many times,
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they steal $500 billion of intellectual property from us every year, 90% of the counterfeits and fentanyl that come into our country is made in china. it's maybe worse than i expected when i got into the house. now the house and a senate as well, we have to hold them accountable. it's going to be painful. it's going to be painful for this country and the world to say we can't do business with you when you lie, cheat and steal from americans so we'll have to have some tough love when it comes to dealing with china, focus on bringing the supply chains back to the united states. we have to start by doing that yesterday. >> very quickly, senator, before we go to commercial break, the eco health alliance that maria bartiromo has talked about extensively, our government gave them an awful lot of money. there's a lot of suspicion there. >> exactly. if i could call one witness to our bipartisan healthcare, health committee, i would like to call peter daszak who heads that. we need to follow the money. it wasn't just from nih but also
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the department of defense was giving him tens of millions of dollars as well. they were researching bioterrorist weapons. i think the coronavirus, covid-19 fits into a man made virus. when we look at the virus, it looks like something that frankenstein would have made so we've got some deep things to dive into. >> you're right, follow the money. senator, stay right there. because democrats are aiming to expand social programs and pay for child care, healthcare and climate change with tax hikes. will they be able to push it all through using reconciliation? we'll dive into that next with the senator. stay with us. ♪
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maria: do you think he has the support of all democrats? will he be able to push this through reconciliation regardless of what the republicans say? >> well, i think it's going to be a long, hard slog for them to try to increase taxes by this much on the american public for
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things that really would go way beyond what i would think is in the scope of government. there's so many many liberal programs in here, very expensive, the whole green bad deal with the recyclable cafeteria trays, i think he's going to have a hard time doing it and it's not going to happen quickly. jason: that's wyoming senator john barrasso on president biden's spending plans and challenges they face in congress. a nearly $1 trillion infrastructure deal struck by a bipartisan group of senators has some potential but democrats want to include a lot of items from a $715 billion transportation and water infrastructure bill passed by the house last week. we're back with kansas republican senator, roger marshall. senator, are they going to be able to pass this through reconciliation? i mean, how do they justify all these numbers? because they keep adding the trillions upon trillions. >> yeah, jason, first of all, you better grab your wallet
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because joe biden's administration wants in that wallet of yours, wants you to write big checks to them. look, i think they spent most of their political capital on this. you know a saying my dad talk me, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me and the biden white house has fooled us three times and they threw a bunch of senators under the bus, including democrats, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. joe gets most of the ink. kyrsten has been able -- i've seen her take notes, take conversations with four or five sense s tosser at a time and i would speak to her about a healthcare issue and she would be able to he recite the whole thing back to us. i don't think the moderates in the party are going to be happy about the way they got through under the -- thrown under the bus here and they're not going to be happy about raising your taxes. jason: senator, candidly, one of my concerns is republicans
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seem to worry about the debt and deficit, only when they're in the minority. if you look back over the last 10 years, when it was obama/biden f you look at the spending money and the base budget, that number is really up nearly more than 50%. this is the domestic base spending. doesn't include any of the other stimulus and all the other things. that's the 10-year number. if you look at the debt, it's basically doubled in that 10 of-year period and, look, republicans had control for some of those years and the concern is we talk about how much more we're going to spend, but senator, when are we going to actually have a discussion about what we're going to cut and curb back? >> yeah, well, jason, certainly as long as democrats control the white house, and control the house and the senate, that conversation's not going to happen. they've already borrowed, what, $2 trillion this year and they want to borrow another $6 trillion. so when i came to d.c. four years ago, i thought we had a
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plan. much like turning around a business that's upside down, the first thing we had to do was grow the business so we cut taxes, despite cutting taxes we actually grew revenues for the federal government. you have to start dealings things down. where are you going to pick and choose? i guess have anybody call me up and say i want to cut my government subsidies, it's going to be a tough conversation to v this is the problem that keeps me up late at night and whether you want a strong military, strong schools, strong roads and bridges, the future of the balanced budget is what's going to impact it more than anything else. so i agree completely but it's a tough, tough political conversation to have. i think it will take a second term president with a lot of confidence. jason: well, senator, i think you're right when you actually cut taxes, the revenue to the treasury went up. but if you don't couple that with cutting spending, then you continue to exacerbate the problem. and americans are going to feel things here real soon. they're also feeling it as the gas pump where the price of gas
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is basically $1 higher than it was a year ago. but senator, i wish you nothing but the best this independence day. i hope you, your family and the good people of kansas have an opportunity to celebrate like the rest of america because you know what, this is still the greatest country on the face of the planet but we've got to figure this one out. >> thanks, jason. great to be with you. happy independence day to you, your family and all your listeners. jason: thank you. thank you. all right, senator, appreciate your time. president biden says he won't tolerate a nuclear iran as the u.n. and european union push washington and tehran to get the 2015 nuclear deal back on track. but should we actually do that? former cia station chief dan hoffman joins us next on that and much more. stay with us. ♪
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jason: the united states and iran are showing no signs of movement towards a nuclear agreement, despite several rounds of talks. the biden administration says iran is in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal and is calling on tehran to stop enriching nuclear weapons. meanwhile, iran is criticizing sanctions put in place when president trump withdrew from the agreement. dan hoffman is a former cia station chief and fox news contributor. he is here to weigh in. dan, thank you. first of all, thank you for your service to our nation. really do appreciated that, particularly on this 4th of july weekend. but i want to get your perspective on that. and this iran nuclear deal, what you're seeing is happening right now? >> thank you. happy 4th of july to you and to all the viewers. iran wants us to get back into
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that very flawed jcpoa deal which even democrats did not support. that's why it never became a treaty. senator chuck schumer was against it because of the nuclear sunset clauses, because it never addressed iran's ballistic missile program as well as iran's state sponsorship of terrorism. iran wants us to eliminate all the sanctions which eliminates the incentive for them to come back and negotiate. the biden administration says they want to build on the nuclear deal with a, quote, unquote, longer and stronger deal that deals with the flaws of jc post oa. i don't see that happen. i think we're at a crossroads here and there's no signs they deal is going to be made. jason: yeah. what would be the incentive for the united states to get rid of the sanctions? why would we even consider that? >> well, i think we do want to put a hold on iran's nuclear program and if iran were willing to agree to a better deal without those sunset clauses,
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with inspections, but that's a very difficult thing to do. and remember that has concealed elements of their nuclear programs, some of which israel uncovered, which we learned that iran had an enrichment facility that they never declared. we're in a mistrust and verify situation with iran and remember that two of the countries negotiating on our behalf right now for this new deal are iran -- sorry, are china and russia, two countries that really don't have our best interest at heart. jason: now, dan, i also want to get your impact or your perspective on what was going on in the syrian border because rockets have been flying and there have been some attacks and i want to get your perspective on that. >> so when the trump administration launched that lethal strike against iranian force commander qassem soleimani we established escalation dominance over iran and what we're seeing right now is that doesn't transfer to the new biden administration.
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we're seeing iran testing us by using their proxy militias to launch attacks on our troops in syria. iran wants us out of the region. that's why they're doing this. we've gone back now to being in a position where we really need to establish this escalation dominance and the biden administration responded with a proportional kinetic strike which killed reportedly four proxy militia members. but at the same time, i don't think that this is the end. i think we're going to continue to see these tit-for-tat attacks again until we establish some sort of dominant position in this relationship with iran and that has to happen concurrently with whatever diplomatic negotiations are taking place. if we're not strong against iran, there will be no opportunity for diplomacy. jason: yeah. and this is also one of the byproducts of a rising fuel prices, the more fuel costs, the more energy costs, guess what, the money goes into the coffers
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in iran and they're able to fuel some of this. i want to talk about china for a moment. one of the concerns we just expressed with the senator is that with so much debt, second only to japan, china holds more than a trillion dollars of u.s. debt. we lean on them to actually purchase our debt. what do you see are the implications of that? what is the impact on the united states? >> well, i think economists have been looking at this for a while and i don't know that there's any concern that iran -- that china would seek to weaponize the debt holdings. if they were to sell off u.s. dollars, then it would drop the price, the value of the dollar and increase the value of their currency making exports more difficult for china. i think the debt in and of itself is a great national security threat for us. we need fiscal sanity in washington. the massive national debt runs the risk of causing inflationary pressure and it also constrains us city blow matticly, mill --
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diplomatically, militarily, not to mention deal with whatever we have to deal with at home of, domestic crisis, infrastructure, other things. the debt is constraining us massively and we need to deal with that. jason: yeah, the interest on the debt alone, we're spending about $1.5 billion per day, that's just in interest payments. we don't get anything for that other than paying off an interest where rates are near zero. dan, i've got to shift again to another part of the world and talk a little about afghanistan. because i know you've been deeply concerned about our withdrawal from afghanistan and particularly what's going on in the bagram air force base. as soon as we pull out some bad things happen. >> yeah, it's already been looted. and it was such a key strategic location. i've been there. it's a place from which we conducted aerial reconnaissance in afghanistan and other parts of the region.
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look, if there's one thing we learned from 9/11 it's that terrorist take advantage of ungoverned space to plot and plan attacks against us. and if we don't have a military capability, a finishing capability and intelligence assets in place to detect and preempt those threats, they will be visited on our shores and i'm concerned that we're pulling out of afghanistan, precipitously. we're planning to provide $4 billion in security assistance to the after a began government without -- afghan government without oversight, without being there. i think if we kept bagram open with troops, we would have retained a counter terrorism capability that sorely need. the taliban is not holding up to their part of the agreement by breaking with al-qaida. they're allowing al-qaida to homestead on their territory and kai da and isis continue to -- al-qaida and isis continue to pose a threat. we were honored to be there, especially on days like this. i served many times on july 4th in a war zone and we were honored to be there serving our
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country and i think we need our folks out there on the frontlines like never before and it's a shame that, again, that i think we're repeating the same mistakes the obama administration made in 2011 when we removed our troops from iraq and we saw what happened there with the growth of isis and the caliphate. jason: let me take this opportunity, particularly being july 4th to thank the men and women, it's a good segue. i you know your heart goes out to those people that are overseas serving. to the men, women and families that are home this 4th of july, i hope they know how much the american people love and care for them and appreciate their service, particularly when they're gone in a -- and away on a great holiday and celebration like independence day. former cia station chief, dan hoffman, thank you. >> thanks, jason. jason: all right. the supreme court just upheld arizona's voter fraud protection laws, that ruling is expected to have national implications. we'll get into it with arizona
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attorney general mark brnovich coming up next. p before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts
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jason: fox news alert, pope francis is scheduled to undergo surgery in rome soon. the vatican says it is a restriction of the large intestine. this comes hours after he cheerful hey greeted the public in saint peter's square today. the 84-year-old asked the people to, quote, pray for the pope in
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a special way, end quote. no date has been set for the surgery yet. reaction now to thursday's supreme court ruling on an election fraud case brought by the democrat's national committee. the justices upheld the arizona voting rules restricting ballot harvesting and the submission of ballots outside of one's home precinct. justice alito writing in the majority opinion, having to identify one's own polling place and then travel there does not exceed the usual burdens of voting. on the contrary, these tasks are quintessential examples of the usual burdens of voting. critics of the supreme court's decision fear it could set a dangerous precedent. here's white house press secretary jen psaki on friday. >> it's just a reminder of how important it is to move forward on federal legislation, how important it is to, and urgent it is, that congress restore the
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voting rights act and it's a reminder of what the stakes are here, that our democracy is on the line. jason: arizona amy coney barrett attorney general mark brnovich, a republican, he joins us now. he's been right in the middle of the fight and mr. attorney general, i've got to tell you, i want you to explain to people what ballot march vest -- harvesting is. democrats took a position in california they were in favor of it. in north carolina, they were on of posed to it. now they go to court and they lost, making sure you vote in your own precinct. >> thank you for having me on on july 4th. happy birthday, america. in a nutshell, the case was about do states are the ability to enact common sense election integrity measures. ballots involves the process where candidates or political parties try to collect votes, sometimes put pressure on populations to vote a certain way. arizona like a lot of other states had limitations on that.
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the democratic national committee sued. we fought. i successfully argued that case myself in the u.s. supreme court and we won. what's really important for all the viewers to recognize, jason, is the hypocrisy of the leftnd the biden administration. the biden administration filed a brief saying they thought the laws were consistent with the voting rights act. now they're bashing them, saying how terrible things are. we know that states like nevada have similar restrictions and yet the dnc isn't suing nevada. so there's a inconsistency. i remind folks that no less than jimmy carter co-chaired a commission that said one of the greatest threats to election integrity was a third party holding and collecting ballots. this shouldn't be a partisan issue. for political gain and i think to get support for hr1 they're trying to make it a racial issue or trying to set the narrative that somehow this disenfranchises voters ant it doesn't. jason: the democrats would have you believe that our democracy is going to fail and our country
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is going to fall apart if this isn't in place. look at what the two congressmen had to actually say about this, congressman pressly in tweets that they put out, if you put up that graphic. i've got to tell you, today's scotus decision is another attack on our voting rights, congress must act, abolish the jim crow filibuster, pass the for the people act, pass the john lewis voting rights act, expand the courts, that's how they want to tackle this is change the court and save our democracy. and again, another congressman, congressman jones, look at what he tweeted out. because i've got to tell you, he wrote today the supreme court once again gutted the voting rights act. if we don't expand the court soon we will no longer have a democracy to protect. what are we waiting for? their solution, mr. attorney general, is to actually just change the court. they're not attacking the ruling per se. they're just saying he we've got to have liberals in there,
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otherwise our democracy will not survive. >> shame on the left's you attack on an independent judiciary. an independent judiciary is the bull work of liberty in our country, it represents the rule of law and every time the democrats don't like a case, what they try do is essentially change the rules in the middle of the game and we know that this case was tethered in the constitution and we know that packing the court or changing the court is a bone headed idea and don't take my word for it, jason. bone headed was the term that joe biden used on the senate floor in the 1980s when he was talking about court packing. i think what this exposes is the hypocrisy of the far left and the hypocriticalness of their position. we know states like arizona, we have a case right now that will be argued this week on ballot curing periods. the left has challenged that. connecticut, new york, new jersey, all these other left wing states have similar laws. my question for those members of congress or for joe biden is why
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is it that in states with democratic leadership they have done nothing to change their law that's are more restrictive than places like arizona or of georgia that provide more options. i think you know the answer, because is all about scoring cheap political points, try to nationalize the election and packing the supreme court which are one of the greatest threats to our liberty here on july 4th in the last 50 years. jason: yeah, i think the rulings by the supreme court was really just common sense. but i've got to move now to immigration with you, while we have you, because arizona is right in the thick of it and you as the attorney general are right in the middle of this fight. i want to listen to some sound from brandon judd who is the president of the national border patrol council. listen to what he had to say about what's going on at the border. .maria: what can you tell us about the number of people who are getting away and not getting apprehended? >> well, the first thing that we have to understand is president trump had this issue solved.
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if we would have stuck with those policies that were working, we wouldn't be in this situation today. this is a man made disaster and it's a disaster that had been made by the current administration. if we continue to let got-aways get away, we're going to continue to see the lawlessness that exists in these cities. jason: this really is a human tragedy that is totally avoidable in my opinion. but what are your thoughts, mr. attorney general? >> well, jason, as you know, we actually have three ongoing cases. in fact, we just filed an you appeal in one of our cases where we sued the biden administration over its policies on deportation. so literally there are 1.2 million deportation orders including people with felonies that aren't being he deported. that case is on appeal. i wish the biden administration cared more about hard working american taxpayers than they did about root causes in central america. literally, just a few blocks from where i'm sitting right now
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now, near a high school, near a senior center, there's a detention center that's been opened up in a luxury hotel. so the biden administration is subsidizing, decriminalizing and empowering the cartels and we've seen a huge spike in fentanyl, jason. this is going to affect not only arizona, it's going to affect the entire country. what people should be asking themselves, we know that there are hundreds of thousands, 2 million people estimated across the border illegally this year. if those people are coming in and surrendering, going to hotels in scottsdale, what about the hundreds of thousands of got-aways, the people that don't want to be apprehended, that want to slip into our country and that's a national security and criminal justice threat and it's a damage ditch it is so -- tragedy. it is so preventable. the biden administration invented the problem. they tried to ignore it. it's not going to go away. jason: the people that were deported or were denied entry
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into the country are invited back into the country instead of going through the normal process of applying for a visa. we bring in 1 million people a year into our country but the priorities that have been given by this administration, to prioritize those that are willing to break the law and break down the barriers, it's just untenable and mr. attorney general, appreciate your work on this and thank you for joining us on this important day, independence day here in this country. best to you and your family. >> thanks. jason: all right. arizona attorney general mark brnovich. thank you very much. tough talk from chinese president xi, warning the west to stay out of china's affairs as he reconfirms the mission to take back taiwan. gordon chang is up next with more on chairman xi's hostile message.
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policy change as relates to china from this biden administration and stop telling people not to invest in these companies that are tied to the chinese military, expanding their opportunity to acquire america? >> well, look, if this -- the otherly ins of the china -- origins of the china virus have not woken america up yet i don't know what will. the chinese want to become the world reserve currency. that's why they're investing in crypto technology. jason: that was house intelligence committee ranking member devin nunes on the show last week, giving a warning about china's widening influence on global interest. last thursday's ceremony celebrating 100 years of the chinese communist party, president xi jinping struck a menacing tone saying, quote, the chinese people will never allow any foreign forces to bully, coerce, and enslave us. whoever attempts to do that will surely break their heads on the
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steel great wall built with the blood and flesh of 1.4 billion of chinese people. let's bring in gordon chang, senior fellow at the gate diss stone institute, author of the great u.s./china tech war and the coming collapse of china. thank you so much for joining us here. gordon, that was a pretty menacing tone on the 100th anniversary. how did you read that? what was your perspective on what president xi said. >> it certainly was menacing, jason, talking about cracking skulls and spilling blood. china believes it has the right to take territory from others and indeed it believes that it is -- should be in india, we're seeing an arc of instability because of chinese aggression from india in the south to south korea in the north. chinese officials are talking about taking great parts of russia away. also parts of jajikastan.
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this is something we have seen before. something else, jason. the words you said were not the worst from xi jinping's speech. he talked about how the chinese people were good at taking down the old world and building a new one, that was a preference to xi jinping's thought that he should be the only ruler in the world, that no other country has sovereignity, that china should rule everything on the planet. jason: what are going to be the key he metrics -- key metrics or factors as president biden who has been fairly soft, i just have not heard the rhetoric, i have not seen him tackle things directly, he can't even seem to directly try to challenge him on what happened in the wuhan labs and getting core information that we need there. so what is president biden -- what should he be doing? >> well, president biden should be composing the greatest costs on china right now for deliberately spreading a disease beyond its borders and killing
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at last count 604,000 americans. xi jinping, they lied about the trans miss ability of the disease, told the world it was not contagious when they knew it was highly contagious and while locking down their own countries, they pressured others to not impose travel restrictions and quarantines on arhymes from china and it was nose chinese passengers that spread a disease that should have been confined to the central part of clay to the rest of the -- china to the rest of the world. this is the first time in history that one nation attacked all the others and the biden administration is not concerned at all. they are not concerned about the origins of this disease. biden spent two hours on the phone with xi jinping in february and didn't raise the issue once and he was only forced to order the investigation by the intelligence committee when there was an up roar that he had spiked an investigation in the state department into the origins of covid-19. jason: i think it's interesting that president biden likes to talk about how much time he
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spent together with him rather than the policies that the united states plans to implement to help prevent the expansion of china and what he's going to do to protect the united states of america. gordon chang, stay with us. i've got many more questions. i've got many more questions. we're going to be back in just
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of actual control, into indian controlled territory. and china right now has been skirmishing with india, but it looks like they're preparing for a bigger invasion and it's not only in ladok, there are chinese troops in india's sekim and chinese encroachments into napal and butan. across the himalayas china is trying to take away territory from neighbors. jason: does china perceive that biden is weak. one of the concerns is according to intelligence reports that we've seen, some public reporting, china has now 100 more nuclear silos that they've been building up. i mean, it's always concerning when they're doing that, right, gordon? >> well, of course. what we have right now are 145 a more holes in the ground. they plan to put in, i believe, the df-41 missile. each df-41 has 10 warheads, that
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is basically the number of warheads that the u.s. has permitted in total under our arms control agreements with russia. now, china of course has nukes on submarines, it has land-based mobile missiles. it has air launch missiles. so china could very well end up with a larger arsenal than the united states and then of course there's russia and china and russia cooperate. so in a conflict we could find ourselves with an inadequate nuclear deterrent. jason: again, do of we think that this is because they perceive biden as weak and won't do anything? or was this part of the natural trajectory anyway? >> i think it's both. but they do perceive that they can push the united states around. which is one of the reasons why there was that par shall rhetoric in -- harsh rhetoric in xi jinping's speech on thursday. they don't think the united states whim do -- will do anything. we've seen this in a number of different things that china has done since the biden team took
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over. so yes, we've got to be concerned that biden will not be able to deter the chinese. so this is going to be a problem going forward until there is some confrontation and that is going to be exceedingly dangerous. when you show strength like we've had in prior administrations, the chinese leave us alone. when we show that we are weak and this should just be common sense but apparently many people in washington don't understand it, but when you show weakness, they actually engage in extremely provocative behavior. jason: yeah, it's amedicationing-amazing how that ronald reagan addage peace through strength is more true than ever. thank you for joining us. that does it nor sunday morning futures for this sunday, independence day. i'm jason chaffets in for maria bartiromo. i hope you have the chance to check out my podcast, called jason in the house. i hope you have a wonderful
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independence day and it's one of the greatest holidays of the year, 4th of july. i hope you have a chance to be with your family and your loved ones. and i also hope you take a moment, say a prayer and thank the men and women who make it all possible and keep us safe and protected every single time. they're out there, they're away from their family and god bless them and may god bless the united states. thank you for joining us this
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